Astra Green Solutions Leading the Transition to Energy-Efficiency Products in Victoria

AGS Leading Transition to Energy Efficient Protducts

In an age where environmental consciousness is a top priority, the race to transition from traditional gas-powered appliances to energy-efficient solutions has never been more critical. Astra Green Solutions, Victoria’s largest approved provider, is leading the charge in this transition, surpassing competitors by an impressive margin.

The latest data from Solar VIC for the reporting month of September has unveiled some remarkable figures. Astra Green Solutions achieved a substantial 22.6% of all Gas Hot Water upgrades to Heat Pumps, a staggering three times more than the next closest provider at 8.6%. These statistics show that Astra Green Solutions is not just part of the race; we’re at the forefront.

September 2023

Solar VIC September

Looking back to August, the numbers tell a similar story. Astra Green Solutions dominated the market with 22.9%, while the second-largest supplier lagged behind at 10.7%. Once again, we more than doubled the volume of our closest competitor.

August 2023

Solar VIC August

July marked another milestone. Astra Green Solutions claimed a commendable 14.0% of the market, securing our place as the second-largest supplier. The largest supplier only managed 17.1%, highlighting our close competition.

July 2023

Solar VIC July

*Jamie Marciniak, General Manager at Astra Green Solutions, expressed his delight*: “These remarkable figures are a testament to the dedication and hard work of our team at Astra Green Solutions.

“We’re not just in the energy-efficiency business; we’re leading the charge in Victoria.”

Our commitment to providing environmentally friendly and economically viable solutions has driven us to this impressive position.”

With sustainability at the heart of our mission, Astra Green Solutions strives to offer the best energy-efficient products and services to our customers. These remarkable achievements reflect our relentless efforts to create a greener and more sustainable future for Victoria.

For more detailed reporting and insights, visit the [Solar VIC website].

Join us in celebrating these milestones and take the step towards a cleaner, more energy-efficient future with Astra Green Solutions. Together, we can make a real difference.


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1300 321 786

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